Privacy Policy
About this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) sets out what the categories of personal information Clarity may collect from you
when you visit the website and its associated microsite (the “Website”) as well as how Clarity processes that
personal information. This Policy must be read in conjunction with our Data Protection Statement.
If you have any questions about this Policy, please see contact details at the end of this page. Clarity may
amend this Policy from time to time, so you should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are
aware of any changes that have been made. If we make material changes to this Policy we will notify you by
means of a prominent notice on the Website prior to the change becoming effective.

Information Clarity Collects from

You Personal information you volunteer or which we may infer

Any domain name information that we collect is not used to personally identify you but is instead aggregated
to measure the number of visits, average time spent on the Website, pages viewed. We use this information to
measure the use of our Website and to improve its contents. However, additional services may be available if
we have certain information about you.
We may collect the following information:
• A list of the products and services you express an interest in when you use the Website;
• Your name and contact information, including email address and company details which you may
submit to us when you interact with the Website; and
• Information regarding your personal or professional interests, demographics, experiences with our
products and contact preferences in order to provide you with further correspondence about our
products and services.

If you do not provide the information we need, we may not be able to provide our services to you. Where you
provide us with the personal information of third parties you should take steps to inform the third party that
you need to disclose their details to us, identifying us. We will process their personal information in
accordance with this Policy and our Data Protection Statement.

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We may intercept and monitor your communications

To the extent permissible by law, Clarity may implement systems designed to intercept and monitor your
communications with Clarity’s Associates. As part of this process of intercepting and monitoring these
communications, we may record such communications for disclosure on the basis set out in this Policy.

Personal information we collect automatically

When you use the Website, Clarity automatically receives and records information on our server logs from
your browser or mobile platform, including your location, IP address, cookie information, and the page you
requested. We treat this data as non-personal information, except where we are compelled to do otherwise by
law or legal authority.
Clarity only uses this data in aggregate form and we may provide this aggregate information to our partners
about how our customers, collectively, use the Website, so that our partners may also understand how users
make use of the Website.


We may link to other websites which are not within our control. Once you have left our Website, we are not

responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide. You should exercise caution
and look at the privacy statement applicable to the third party’s website in question.


As we mentioned above, we use cookies on our Website. Cookies are files that store information on your hard
drive or browser allowing our Website to recognise that you have visited it before. All information regarding
cookies, and how Clarity uses them to enhance your experience on our Website can be found within our
Cookie Policy.

What We Do With the Information

We use your information to provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:
• To provide you with services you have requested and notify you about important changes or
developments to these services;
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• To respond to your inquiries and/or complaints or process your requests in relation to your
• To follow up as part of our customer care procedures;
• To update our records about you;
• For internal record keeping;
• To contact you for market research purposes and/or administer offers to you;
• To improve our products and services;
• For fraud prevention and detection, and to comply with applicable laws and regulations;
• In relation to competitions and other promotions;
• To evaluate the effectiveness of our marketing and for research, training and statistical analysis with
the aim of improving our services; and
• To make our Website easier for you to use and to provide you with access to certain parts of the

Clarity processes your personal information for the purposes outlined above
• The processing of your personal information is necessary to perform a contract or enter into a
contract with you;
• The processing of your personal information is necessary for us to comply with legal and regulatory
obligations; or
• The processing is necessary to support our legitimate interests in managing our business (or those of
a third party) provided such interests are not overridden by your interests and rights.

Your Right to Object – Please note that you have a right to object to the
processing of your personal information where that processing is carried out
for our legitimate interests.

Where required by applicable law, where we send you direct marketing, we will obtain your consent for this,
which you may withdraw at any time.
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How Long do we Keep Your Information

We are required to ensure that your personal information is accurate and maintained in a secure environment
for a period of time no longer than necessary for the purposes for which we are processing your personal
information. We generally keep personal information collected via the Website in accordance with the
timeframes set out in any relevant legislation which applies to the personal information provided to us.
However, in some cases we may need to keep personal information for longer (e.g., where we are required to
do so in accordance with legal, regulatory, tax or accounting requirements, or dealing with complaints, legal
challenges or prospective litigation).

Sharing Your Information

We may disclose your personal information to the following third parties:
• Other companies in the Clarity group of companies;
• Selected third parties to provide us with services, including companies that provide us with
technical support and assistance in respect of the Website, companies that provide backoffice services, companies that provide hosting services or, that track the Website’s activities
and analytics, and companies engaged to market and distribute Clarity products and/or
• Professional advisers, judicial, regulatory and law enforcement bodies; and
• a third party that acquires all or part of our assets or shares, or that succeeds us in carrying
on all or a part of our business, whether by merger, acquisition, reorganisation or otherwise.

Accessing Your Personal Information

South Africa
You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Promotion of Access to
Information Act, 2 of 2000. Fees to obtain a copy or a description of personal information held about you are
prescribed in terms of this Act. Confirmation of whether or not we hold personal information about you may
be requested free of charge. If you would like to obtain a copy of your personal information held by Clarity,
please review our Promotion of Access to Information Act Manual located at


All information regarding cookies, and how Investec uses them to enhance your experience on our Website
can be found within our Cookie Policy.
Email: |
Contact us
If you have any questions about our Policy or practices described in it, you should contact us as follows: