Analysing Markets

Complementing fundamental and technical analysis with sentiment analysis can reinforce certain views, which traders and investors can express through easy-to-use trading platforms like Clarity, by Investec.

Understanding market sentiment

Understanding market sentiment

Numerous factors influence global financial markets, from economic growth, global supply chains, geopolitical events, inflation, and government policies. While concrete figures, financial data or verifiable information underpin most of these influencing factors, there is another less tangible force that can sometimes sway markets in either direction. Market sentiment refers to the overall prevailing mood of […]

Start your trading journey

If you’re reading this, it means you’re ready to start trading and have fun while doing it.  We’re excited to welcome you to Clarity, by Investec, which gives you access to a world of opportunities.  Whether you’re looking to start trading with us to grow your investment portfolio, generate dividend income, diversify your investment portfolio, or […]